It is a moving episode of the beloved grandson of the Prophet Muhammad [ peace be upon him] whose courageous and audacious stance earned him eminence never witnessed in the annals of humanity. Progeny of Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib stands out in making self-sacrifice in the scorching heat of a hostile desert. The children of Imam Ali, his Grandchildren, brothers, cousins, and nephews demonstrated tremendous serenity on each turbulent occasion. They bore with servitude the brunt of hypocrites’ revenge against the family of Banu Hashim who had wilfully embraced Islam. They showed patience while daringly supporting the oppressed and confronting the oppressors. Whether it was the martyrdom of Ja’afar bin Abi Talib, the demise of Prophet Muhammad [pbuh], the occurrence of Fidak or the death of Imam Ali’s wife Syeda Fatima, they expressed their emotions in a dignified manner. The assassination of Imam Ali and, ten years later, the poisoning of Imam Hassan bin Ali were hurtful events in their family. However, the greatest tragedy of Karbala that consumed innocent lives was yet to come.
Syeda Zainab bint Batool delivered a memorable speech reminding Yazid of hellfire for his unprovoked acts of bloody aggression against the Imam. Her roaring speech challenged the consciousness of the audience at the court. She led the Caravan and headed back to Madinah, where she resumed her sermons
Indeed, it is a painfully truthful and utterly absorbing tale of the progeny of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib who endured tribulations with unstinted bravery, captivating resilience, and imposing fortitude. Leaders lead, free from greed, the knowledge they feed, reinforce creed with tremendous speed and eventually succeed. Such trailblazers impact the heart of an ordinary person attracting countless followers. They clean the brains, remove the corrosion from the thoughts of profane, build up trust and eradicate the rust. True leaders purify the bosoms with the penetration of divine teachings and heavenly preaching.
Torchbearers lead exemplary lives, presenting themselves as role models in deeds and actions. Free from the shackles of greed, yokes of rapaciousness, rapacity and avarice of power, true pioneers conduct justice, side with the oppressed, and challenge the arrogant, unjust, and privileged grandees. Power-hungry economically dominant subjects feel threatened and intimidated due to even-handedness and just policies incongruous to their excessive gluttony. Yazid ibn Mu’awiya a tyrant and despot Caliph in Damascus was determined to either gain allegiance from the grandson of the Holy Prophet or to eliminate him. As of today, 1384 years later, Yazid is the symbol of hate and Imam Hussain is the beloved of the Ummah.
Publication Date: 2023
Published in West Midlands B36 8EU, U.K.
ISBN: 978-9957147-3-1
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